Terraform for dummies part 6: Deploy Oracle DB System 21c using terraform

Intro What’s the point of moving a database to the Cloud if we can’t automatically deploy it. After blogging about web compute provisioning on AWS,OCI, Azure, & GCP using terraform. The least I could do as a (future-ex) DBA is to terraform database provisioning in Oracle Cloud. On top of that, I also wanted to …

OCI Bastion Service Part II: Create Bastion service using OCI CLI & Terraform

Intro In part II, and after demonstrating how to use OCI Bastion service using the Console (see part I ) we will cover how to create Bastion Service using automation tools like OCI CLI and terraform as I didn’t want all these approaches to be lumped in one post.  Quick table of contents – Create …

OCI Bastion Service Part I: How to use it to connect to your Private Subnet (Console)

Intro In the cloud, bastion or jump server is the only node exposed to the outside world and acts as a gateway between the private network where your backend resources (application, databases..etc) are hosted and the Internet. A Bastion runs bare minimum applications and is extremely secure. Even if any network can access it, it …

Terraform in OCI: The infamous error 404-NotAuthorizedOrNotFound

Intro Terraform uses API to interact with your Cloud provider’s platform. Hence many error messages thrown by your terraform deploy come directly from the cloud platform (i.e OCI services) . In some cases, they prove to be very unhelpful and empty of insights, leaving you wonder what really is breaking your deployment. These are part …

How to Launch an OCI instance with Ansible roles (Always Free)…

Intro Today, we will conclude our β€œOracle Cloud automation” journey with deploying an instance using Ansible (roles). We will demonstrate how an Always-Free compute instance can be launched and accessed through SSH thanks to OCI Ansible Cloud Modules. This tutorial along with the previous Terraform and OCI-CLI shell labs will also help you prepare for …