How to Survive Pearson Vue exam glitch nightmare

Intro Recently, I passed the AWS SAA certification, and while sharing your achievement on socials after long months of preparation and grind can be gratifying, some Pearson Vue test takers, didn’t have the same smooth experience, for unexpected challenges due to OnVue software glitches. In this short post, I’ll take you through the surreal blunders …

What Autoupgrade won’t Catch for you when moving to 19c Part1: Ghost OLAP

Intro So far, I have used Oracle AutoUpgrade, many times in 3 different OS’. Yet the more you think you’ve seen it all and reached the highest confidence level, another Upgrade will come byte you in the butt. The truth is every maintenance in any software or platform is unique, Oracle databases are no exception. …

Tech Content creator toolkit: the cheat sheet

Intro Some of you are probably at a stage where daily work isn’t enough, and interacting with the tech community is the fulfilling mission you’ve been waiting for. But in order to do so, you need to level up your game. Whether your goal is to be a blogger, speaker, podcaster, or social media maverick, …

OCI FortiGate HA Cluster – Reference Architecture: Code review & Fixes

Intro OCI Quick Start repositories on GitHub are collections of Terraform scripts and configurations provided by Oracle. These repositories are designed to help organizations quickly deploy common infrastructure setups on the OCI Platform. Each Quick Start focuses on a specific use case or workload, simplifying the process of provisioning on OCI using Terraform—a sort of …

Cloud Showdown: Bare Metal vs. VMs in OCI – Pros & Cons

Intro The migration journey to the cloud for a business comes in different shapes and colors. Today, we’ll explore a quick comparison between Bare metal and VM platforms, which are two IaaS compute options available in Oracle Cloud infrastructure. Although specific to OCI, you might find similar benefits and trade-offs in other Cloud platforms. In …

Terraform for dummies part 6: Deploy a static website on Alibaba Cloud

Intro 3 years ago, I started the terraform for dummies series where I wanted to deploy a static website in any cloud provider there was (the dummy in question was me duh:)). But the mistake most of us make is to think AWS, Azure, GCP, Oracle Cloud are the only Hyperscalers out there. Wrong! Alibaba …

Terraform pipelines for dummies part1: Run a terraform configuration in GitLabCI

Intro Automating infrastructure provisioning with Terraform is nothing for many, but to truly harness IaC power, seamless integration with CI/CD pipelines is key. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of setting up and running your Terraform configurations within GitLab CI from an GitHub imported repo. This powerful combination not only ensures consistent …

Farewell to ClickOps: OCI CLI seamless Data Guard Replication for ExaC@C

Intro Since the very beginning, everyone got introduced to  Cloud services through the console as it’s very quick. But the cloud CLI tooling provides a stronger, yet user-friendly way to automate tasks, often covering features not even available in the console. Moreover, DBAs often assume that the CLI is primarily designed for managing compute-based services, …

Top picks for Cloud Native sessions at Oracle Cloud World 2023

Blabla free post: This is just some of my (personal) top Oracle Cloud World 2023 sessions I will have the chance to attend and speak at this September. Some of you may agree that there is no way to make a list that fits everyone but for those who are into Cloud native,IT Ops, and database …

Optimizing GitHub Workflows: How to Auto cleanup your cache after use

Intro In the CI/CD space, every second counts like in an F1 race. That’s where GitHub Actions cache comes in. Caching is like a pit stop for your code – it saves precious time by providing pre-loaded resources to speed up pipeline execution by storing and reusing previously downloaded dependencies. However, cache use especially in …