Terraform for dummies part 5: Terraform deployment On-premises (KVM)

Intro For a long time, Terraform was associated with deploying resources in the cloud. But what many people don’t know is that terraform already had private and community based providers that worked perfectly on non cloud environments. Today, we will discover how to deploy a compute vm in a KVM host. Not only that, but …

KVM lab inside a VirtualBox vm (Nested virtualization) using vagrant

Intro It has been a while since I wanted to blog about nested virtualization, but the good news is I now have a vagrant build to share with you so you can  vagrant it up:). KVM started to interest me as soon as I learned that Oracle allowed for hard partitioning on KVM boxes if …

Create a local Windows10 VPN bastion using a vagrant box

Intro There are many examples online on how to create a linux vagrant box including mine. But not so much around windows boxes. The easiest way?  just shop around in Vagrant Cloud, identify a windows box, and spin it using vagrant up. That’s exactly what I did but I faced a problem after the trial …

Vagrant tips: How to automatically adjust the Time Zone of your vagrant box

Intro I was playing with my Linux vagrant boxes lately and I realized I was always spinning third party boxes that had a totally different time zone (Europe/UK mostly). Up until now I never bothered as I have used bunch of those from vagrant Cloud for years. I sometimes notice, and think of using a …

My Vagrant fork of Oracle Fleet Patching and provisioning (FPP)

Intro I have been asked to read about Oracle database fleet management at work but the turnoff was that it relied entirely on OEM. Aggregating both functionalities makes provisioning, in my opinion, cumbersome and unattractive for shops that only want to manage the fleet. Luckily for me, I got acquainted with an even better framework …

Fixes for Vagrant/Virtualbox errors due to latest Windows 10 updates

INTRO It is always hard to keep up with Operating systems upgrades and patches for software companies, not only vagrant or Virtualbox. But if there was an OS that could make it even worse for us — end-users — that would definitely be Windows 10. Microsoft can’t never to amaze us, so much their updates …

How to Enable Nested Virtualization in VirtualBox (New Feature)

Did you ever want to have labs where you could play with different hypervisors withing a single virtual machine in your laptop? I know this sounds more like an INCEPTION remake than a decent requirement but you can’t blame us for being greedy knowing all what tools like virtualbox can help us do nowadays.  To give …

Vagrant: Create a Red Hat 8 base box packaged for Oracle 19c (Vbox)

Intro Vagrant is an opensource tool for working with virtual environments (VirtualBox,HyperV,Vmware..etc). It provides a simple command-line client for managing these environments, using a text-file (VagrantFile) defining the attributes of each environment.   To know more about vagrant you can try their getting started guide or consult the Vagrant official documentation. Vagrant cloud already offers a …