Terraform Pipelines for Dummies Part2: GitHub Actions AWS Deploy (OIDC)

Intro Did you know that 12 millions secrets were publicly exposed in GitHub in 2023 alone? This is additional evidence that leaked secrets rhyme with financial and reputation loss for users, organizations and even states. The worst thing to do is make it easy for hackers to infiltrate your company’s system. This is where workload …

Terraform pipelines for dummies part1: Run a terraform configuration in GitLabCI

Intro Automating infrastructure provisioning with Terraform is nothing for many, but to truly harness IaC power, seamless integration with CI/CD pipelines is key. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of setting up and running your Terraform configurations within GitLab CI from an GitHub imported repo. This powerful combination not only ensures consistent …

Your GitHub Secrets Ain’t That Secret: (GitHub actions hack)

Intro Sometimes secrets in the real world aren’t as secret as we think! Although it can be scary, it’s really easy to show the content of your secret in GitHub actions log. You might not mind if your repo is private but if it is public and your Open Source project still needs things to …

GitHub Actions Cheat Sheet: What I learned from GitHub CI in 2 weeks

Intro This year I set a goal to explore and learn most popular CI solutions like GitLab, including all cloud native ones. My first pick had to be GitHub Actions, which I heard a lot of but never used. So I decided to plunge into it to see how rich the solution was. Since I …

Devops: Demystifying CI vs. CD and the “Delivery-Deployment” Differences

Intro In the space of software delivery, CI/CD has emerged as a game-changing framework that accelerates development life cycle. While most users consider practice a handy shortcut to knowledge, diving headfirst into the CI/CD universe without a solid grasp of the fundamental bases is like trying to learn salsa moves without understanding tempo or foot …