What Autoupgrade won’t Catch for you when moving to 19c Part1: Ghost OLAP

Intro So far, I have used Oracle AutoUpgrade, many times in 3 different OS’. Yet the more you think you’ve seen it all and reached the highest confidence level, another Upgrade will come byte you in the butt. The truth is every maintenance in any software or platform is unique, Oracle databases are no exception. …

Farewell to ClickOps: OCI CLI seamless Data Guard Replication for ExaC@C

Intro Since the very beginning, everyone got introduced to  Cloud services through the console as it’s very quick. But the cloud CLI tooling provides a stronger, yet user-friendly way to automate tasks, often covering features not even available in the console. Moreover, DBAs often assume that the CLI is primarily designed for managing compute-based services, …

ZDM troubleshooting part 4: NONCDBTOPDB_CONVERSION fails (GUID conflicts with existing PDB)

Intro Every time I think I’m done with my ZDM troubleshooting series, a new topic pops up :). I have also learned that every migration is distinct and brings its own unique challenges, so I have decided to keep the series open-ended. In this post, we will discuss the steps you should take when a …

What’s ODABR snapshot & how to efficiently use it to patch ODA from 18 to 19.x

Intro Although most of the focus, nowadays, has shifted to migration of on-premises workloads into the Cloud, companies still leverage Oracle databases engineered systems like Oracle database appliance to run their databases on-prem. As a matter of fact ,ODA is a low entry pricing and flexible CPU licensing platform that can still host workloads that …

ZDM troubleshooting part 3: Migration failing at ZDM_SWITCHOVER_SRC/ hack

Intro This is the last of my troubleshooting series related to ZDM where I have accidentally become an unofficial QA tester for ZDM :). After describing scenarios in previous posts where ZDM service was crashing or DG configuration was failing. I will, in this article, explain why my broker switchover step failed the online physical …

ZDM troubleshooting part 2: Migration failing at ZDM_CONFIGURE_DG_SRC

Intro I didn’t anticipate to have a series of posts around ZDM, but I had few issues that were worth sharing so here I am. This post will describe what caused a failure of an online physical migration ExaCC right at the Data guard configuration phase. The good thing about ZDM, is as soon as …

ZDM troubleshooting part 1: VM causes ZDM service to crash (plus fix)

Intro Zero downtime migration (ZDM) is the ultimate solution to migrate your Oracle database to Oracle Cloud. I recently started using it quite a lot during  On-Prem to Exadata at Customer migrations. In my last blog post, I already shared tips about a ZDM installation error related to MySQL. This time, I’ll describe why my …

ZDM installation error in Oracle Linux 8 (Failed to initialize MySQL) & how to fix it

Intro Zero downtime migration (ZDM) is one of the best option available to migrate your Oracle database to Oracle Cloud. Automation and simplicity are among its strong benefits beside zero downtime feature. Although migrating in OCI is the classic use case(see Oracle migration & integration specialist certification), I had the chance to try a different …

How to remote clone a PDB from a READ ONLY refreshable PDB (tips & tricks)

Intro I didn’t know I had that many things to write about refreshable PDB clones, but I do like the techno and how useful it can be to application teams that want to replicate QA environments out of their prod database very quickly. After showcasing how to automate the refresh of a PDB clone using …

ExaCC dbaascli command with mysterious PILOT error when creating a PDB

Intro I lately had a silly error while running dbaascli on an ExaCC cluster but the java output was not helpful at all.  This is a super short post that shows where to find dbaascli execution logs and also an example of what can break your command execution depending on who runs it. My error …