Interview With Oracle FPP head Ludovico Caldara

I want to thank Ludovico Caldara [FPP & Cloud MAA Product Manager @Oracle] for accepting the publication of this interview which is based on a conversation we had some time ago. It is mainly focused on the Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning (FPP) “FUNDAMENTALS”, but I hope this could help the community to glean a …

My Vagrant fork of Oracle Fleet Patching and provisioning (FPP)

Intro I have been asked to read about Oracle database fleet management at work but the turnoff was that it relied entirely on OEM. Aggregating both functionalities makes provisioning, in my opinion, cumbersome and unattractive for shops that only want to manage the fleet. Luckily for me, I got acquainted with an even better framework …

The not so AUTO …UPGRADE ! (ORACLE Autoupgrade in Windows )

Intro First, before anyone starts sending me print screens about their successful Autoupgrade, or flexing about how their 100+ databases were smoothly migrated to PDBs over the weekend, I am stopping you right there. This is my honest feedback on the experience I had when trying the tool on a windows environment. It is obviously …

Convert local listeners to Oracle Grid managed listeners

Intro One of the advantages of Oracle grid Infrastructure is to restart all managed resources (databases, asm, listeners,…etc)  automatically whenever you (re)start the cluster service (crs) or reboot the whole server. I recently had to patch an oda where the client still had few listeners (with non default ports) managed locally and not through grid. …

Add SCAN VIPs to Oracle RAC with zero “listener” downtime

Intro Infrastructure teams are usually more keen to maintain a network stability rather than altering their existing configuration every other day.This means that once the application and database hosts are provisioned and running, the DBA won’t witness a topology change unless a migration of the servers/applications are in the pipes. But for highly available environment …

Deploy a webserver vm using Azure CLI and bash scripts (Linux/windows)

                                         Intro Azure cli was another tool I had to try right after passing Az-900 azure certification, because what are certifications for if it’s not to give a little itching to get your hands a little dirty. Thus, az-cli became my third victim after oci-cli and aws-cli. As in my previous cli tutorials, the aim …

Terraform tricks : How to mimic nested variable substitution using locals

Intro                          “Developer’s constant urge to use Terraform like a programming language :)” My impression after enjoying my first terraform applys is that it’s kind of rigid, though when someone says Immutable and declarative in the same sentence, you should definitely get that it’s not procedural by design. Therefore,  you can’t expect a bash shell …

Terraform for dummies part 2: Launch an instance with a static website on AWS

Intro This has become a habit so far to explore different ways of automated provisioning for each cloud provider. This time, I will try Terraform on AWS and reproduce the same deployment I have completed on Oracle Cloud, and as usual we won’t just deploy an instance but also configure a website linked to its …