Explore Alibaba Cloud part 2: AliCloud CLI installation and few examples

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is alibaba3.png

Cloud CLI tools are the Most direct and simple way to interact with a new Cloud platform, It is the perfect tool for executing simple and repeatable tasks which you donโ€™t need to keep track off. Alibaba Cloud CLI tool which also manages Cloud resources (or stacks) is no exception. In this blog post, we will install AliCloud cli and try few API requests. I do that every time I explore a cloud platform (see previous posts aws, oci, azure, gcp).

As usual, this post will be followed by another article about provisioning a vm in Ali Cloud through terraform.


Whether on windows or on Linux the basic installation of Aliyun CLI will always require 2 elements:

I. Alibaba Cloud CLI Installation

Aliyun (translated โ€œAli Cloudโ€) was the original name of the company until 2017. Therefore you will install Aliyun CLI not Alibaba Cloud cli ;).

  • Windows

       1- Download & execute the following AzliyunCli installer(current version: v3.0.123) from

            Alibaba Cloud website (latest zipped version)

            GitHub(aliyun/aliyun-cli) (different version available)

       2- Unzip the downloaded file to get the executable file named aliyun.exe

       3- Add the exe file location directory path to your User %PATH% environment variable via GUI or cmd terminal

    -- Option 1: from the GUI C:> SystemPropertiesAdvanced

    Note: Once the window is displayed โ€“> click environment variables

    --- Option 2: using pathed

    C:> PathEd.exe add "C:DATAcloudalibabaโ€ C:> aliyun version 3.0.124

     Note: I used the handy pathed tool to append the %PATH% environment variable permanently

  • Linux
    Download the installation package for Linux using curl , decompress it and copy the content to the user bin directory.
  • brokedba~$ curl -sL https://github.com/aliyun/aliyun-cli/releases/download/v3.0.123/aliyun-cli-linux-3.0.123-amd64.tgz | sudo tar xzC /usr/local/bin brokedba~$ aliyun version 3.0.123

II. Authenticate to Alibaba Cloud from Aliyun CLI

Once your
Alibaba Cloud Free Tier account is created and aliyun cli installed. You will need API credentials including region, and language. There is a list of credentials type available to use in order to authenticate with.
 This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-6.png

The 2 categories are:  1. Key/StsToken based        2. Role/Instance principal based

Obtain your Access key
We will choose AccessKey authentication for our example. 

  1. Hover onto the profile picture in the upper-right corner, and click AccessKey management.  

    This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-4.png

  2. On Access Key pair section click create AccessKey to generate AccessKey ID /AccessKey and copy them.

    This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-5.png

  3. Now that we obtained our key pair we can finally configure our aliyun CLI profile (find all region ids here)

    1. Interactive Configuration brokedba~$ aliyun configure --mode AK -โ€“profile default Configuring profile 'default' in '' authenticate mode... Access Key Id []: AccessKey ID Access Key Secret []: AccessKey Secret Default Region Id []: us-east-1 Default Output Format [json]: json (Only support json) Default Language [zh|en] en: Saving profile[default] ...Done.

    Configure Done!!! ..............888888888888888888888 ........=8888888888888888888D=.............. ...........88888888888888888888888 ..........D8888888888888888888888I........... .........,8888888888888ZI: ...........................=Z88D8888888888D.......... .........+88888888 ..........................................88888888D.......... .........+88888888 .......Welcome to use Alibaba Cloud.......O8888888D.......... .........+88888888 ............. ************* ..............O8888888D.......... .........+88888888 .... Command Line Interface(Reloaded) ....O8888888D.......... .........+88888888...........................................88888888D.......... ..........D888888888888DO+. ..........................?ND888888888888D.......... ...........O8888888888888888888888...........D8888888888888888888888=........... ............ .:D8888888888888888888.........78888888888888888888O ..............

    2. static configuration

    brokedba~$ aliyun configure set --profile akProfile --mode AK --region cn-hangzhou --access-key-id AccessKeyID --access-key-secret AccessKeySecret

        • We can run aliyun configure command to verify our new configuration   
        • $ aliyun configure list

          Profile   | Credential      | Valid   | Region  | Language --------- | --------------- | ------- | --------- | -------- default * | AK:****6        | Valid   | us-east-1 | en

        •  aliyun cli configuration is typically stored in the below directory
          $ more $HOME/.aliyun/config.json
            "current": "default",
            "profiles": [
               "name": "default",   
               "mode": "AK",
               "access_key_id": xxxxxxxx

            III.Test your first API request

            Few notions worth reminding before hitting the terminal with aliyun requests :    

            A. Command structure: is based on the below components

              $ aliyun <product> <operation> [--parameter1 value1 --parameter2 value2 ...]

            Each followed by  values.It will always depend on the product & operation value in the command.

            • Result related parameters :
              1-  unfortunately aliyun doesnโ€™t support table output format unlike any other CSP (JSON only.Bummer!)
                 2- โ€œ–outputโ€ : Allows to pick the list of fields to return in the response. It can be used to do some filtering.

            B.  output :

            The output option allows to specify either a field, rows (using JMESpath), or num(row number).
            best way to learn is to fetch all the output then locate the rows(path) and columns to display.

            This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-7.png 
            To demonstrate the principle, hereโ€™s an example based on the ecs regions list command

            --- Original command 
            $ aliyun ecs DescribeRegions | head
            "Regions": {
                    "Region": [       ----> path/rows is Regions.Region[]
                     { "LocalName": "ๅŽๅŒ—1๏ผˆ้’ๅฒ›๏ผ‰",
              "RegionEndpoint": "ecs.cn-qingdao.aliyuncs.com",
                       "RegionId": "cn-qingdao"
            --- Fileterd output based on RegionId and RegionEndPoint
            $ aliyun ecs DescribeRegions --output cols=RegionId,RegionEndpoint rows=Regions.Region[]
            RegionId       | RegionEndpoint
            --------       | --------------
            us-east-1      | ecs.us-east-1.aliyuncs.com
            us-west-1      | ecs.us-west-1.aliyuncs.com
            eu-west-1      | ecs.eu-west-1.aliyuncs.com
            me-east-1      | ecs.me-east-1.aliyuncs.com
            eu-central-1   | ecs.eu-central-1.aliyuncs.com


            You will have to rely on the help command first because there is no Alyun cli command reference available. This is the first time I see a CSP that doesnโ€™t have a dedicated reference for its CLI tool.
            Needless to say youโ€™re on your own as all I found was this pdf.

            โ€ขYou can get help by using the following commands:

                โ—‹ aliyun help: get product list
                โ—‹ aliyun help <product>: get the API information of a specific product

            $ aliyun Ecs StopInstance help
            Alibaba Cloud Command Line Interface Version 3.0.123
            Product: Ecs (Elastic Compute Service)
            --InstanceId  String  Required  
            --ConfirmStop Boolean Optional  
            --DryRun      Boolean Optional  
            --ForceStop   Boolean Optional  
            --Hibernate   Boolean Optional  
            --StoppedMode String  Optional

          • List of publicly available images in the current default region (us-east-1)

            $ aliyun ecs DescribeImages --output cols=OSNameEn,Architecture,OSType,IsPublic rows=Images.Image[]

            OSNameEn                                            | Architecture | OSType | IsPublic --------                                            | ------------ | ------ | -------- CentOS  7.9 64 bit for SCC                          | x86_64       | linux  | true CentOS  8.4 64 bit for SCC                          | x86_64       | linux  | true AlmaLinux  9.0 64 bit                               | x86_64       | linux  | true Ubuntu  22.04 64 bit                                | x86_64       | linux  | true CentOS Stream  9 64 bit                             | x86_64       | linux  | true Fedora  35 64 bit                                   | x86_64       | linux  | true Alibaba Cloud Linux  3.2104 LTS 64 bit UEFI Edition | x86_64       | linux  | true Alibaba Cloud Linux  3.2104 LTS 64 bit ARM Edition  | arm64        | linux  | true Alibaba Cloud Linux  3.2104 LTS 64 bit              | x86_64       | linux  | true

          • Object storage tool:

          • Download and install ossutil

          • $ wget http://gosspublic.alicdn.com/ossutil/1.7.7/ossutil64 
            $ chmod 755 ossutil64
            ./ossutil64 config
          • Create a private bucket with Zonal redundancy in us-east-1 region

          • $ ./ossutil64 mb oss://brokedbabucket -e oss-us-east-1.aliyuncs.com --acl private --storage-class IA --redundancy-type ZRS

          Auto completion

            This commands is supposed to command to enable auto completion in zsh/bash . But it doesnโ€™t autocomplete operation commands as available in aws cli for example. 

            $ aliyun auto-completion 


          In this tutorial we learned how to install and configure Aliyun cli. We also described the command syntax and tried few requests using output options.

          โ—‹The filtering seem to be very limited as there are no JMESPATH examples anywhere associated with rows option

          โ—‹ I wish there was a command line reference that could provide more help to end users

          โ—‹ FREE tier: You will still have to confirm you can use your Free tier credits before deploying any resource. 


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