Terraform for dummies part 6: Deploy a static website on Alibaba Cloud

Intro 3 years ago, I started the terraform for dummies series where I wanted to deploy a static website in any cloud provider there was (the dummy in question was me duh:)). But the mistake most of us make is to think AWS, Azure, GCP, Oracle Cloud are the only Hyperscalers out there. Wrong! Alibaba …

Explore Alibaba Cloud part 2: AliCloud CLI installation and few examples

Cloud CLI tools are the Most direct and simple way to interact with a new Cloud platform, It is the perfect tool for executing simple and repeatable tasks which you don’t need to keep track off. Alibaba Cloud CLI tool which also manages Cloud resources (or stacks) is no exception. In this blog post, we …

Explore Alibaba Cloud part 1: Intro to Alibaba Cloud

Intro I always believed in the horizontal approach to learn the cloud rather than the vertical method. I’m just convinced there is more to learn when you open your perspectives, even if you lose the ability to narrow your expertise on one platform. That’s a little price to pay if you want to broaden your …