RMAN, INCARNATIONS, and ME part II: Recovery ignoring backups / ORA-19563: datafile copy header validation failed for file


In an ideal world, I believe, every backup script should be matched by 2 recovery scenarios. As this swiss OUC figure reminds us, having a backup that works means nothing without a tested restore and recovery. Today I’ll try to depict the don’t do’s after an recovery of a controlfile with open resetlogs using RMAN. Although some scenarios were a bit extreme, I still found out some weird behaviour from RMAN as I had to figure out a workaround on my own to complete the database recovery after a new incarnation was created. 

The Backup

  • Before heading to the recovery scenarios, I’ll describe how & what kind of backups were running before this exercise.  

  • Configuration:
    Oracle 19c CDB with 2 user PDBs and archive logging enabled . OS: Windows server

  • The backup Script:
    It’s a 19c CDB backed up using Image copies and incremental  backups  that will be merged with the copies every 4 days (recover copy Until time sysdate-3 days).

  • Below is a sample of the script with dummy paths & shorter retention (sysdate-1) but it’s very similar.


2. The recovery scenarios

    • Remember to always record the DBID of the database 


    • In order to fully assess my backups, I first choose to try the easy recovery scenarios

  • Easy recoveries (all successful)

    • Data File Recovery PDB level ✔

      • User datafile Drop and recover 

      • PDB System tablespace drop and recover  (CDB needs to be in mount state).

    • Data File Recovery CDB level ✔

      • ROOT container system tablespace drop and recover

    • Loss of spfile in CDB ✔

      • Startup NoMount> Recover Spfile from Autobackup> shutdown immediate> startup

      • Note: PDBs don’t have spfiles, it’s all stored in PDB_SPFILE$.

2.2 Control file recovery issues

  • Restoring/recovering the Controlfile will requires an Open resetlogs no matter if the redo logs or datafiles are still valid. Open Resetlogs means a new Incarnation which brings me to the following questions

      Incarnation Questions

  • Will the backup cycle be broken after a recovery of a controlfile and a new incarnation ?

  • What happens when the subsequent incremental backup is merged with the db copies in 4 days ?

  • The copy pointing to the old incarnation number will be merged with an incremental pointing to the new one, does that make the backup invalid ?

  • Could we switch back to the previous incarnation after recovery and trick RMAN by still runing daily incremental backups and old image copies merged with new incremental backups ?

3. First Controlfile recovery

  • I found out that the recovery of the control file was already complaining. A valid system datafile had to be restored and DB recovered so it can be opened in resetlogs mode, which was odd.

    D**CONTROLFILE>:> del f O1_MF_HSN45YNX_.CTL RMAN> STARTUP FORCE NOMOUNT; RMAN>SET DBID 670048894; RUN { SET CONTROLFILE AUTOBACKUP FORMAT FOR DEVICE TYPE DISK TO '\backup$D_controlfile_%F'; RESTORE CONTROLFILE FROM AUTOBACKUP; } RMAN> ALTER DATABASE MOUNT; RMAN> ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS; ----------------------- bug ??-------------------------------- ORA-01194: file 1 needs more recovery to be consistent ORA-01110: data file 1: 'D:ORACLECDBCDBDEV02ORADATASYSTEM01.DBF'

    RMAN> restore datafile 1; Finished restore RMAN> recover datafile 1; RMAN-03002: failure of recover command at 09/20/2021 14:32:55 RMAN-06067: RECOVER DATABASE required with a backup or created control file I did a recover database : RMAN> RECOVER DATABASE; Finished recover

    RMAN> alter database open resetlogs; Statement processed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RMAN> list incarnation ; DB Key  Inc Key DB Name  DB ID        STATUS  Reset SCN  Reset Time ------- ------- -------- ------------ ------- ---------- --------------------- 1       1       CDBDEV2 670048894    PARENT  1           28-oct-2020 20:45:50 2       2       CDBDEV2 670048894    CURRENT 17463165117 20-sep-2021 14:51:59

Now we have a new incarnation after resetlogs startup.I know anytime a resetlogs happens, a new backup is required but I still can’t answer my questions about the impact on the backup cycle & the next database copies merge.
So I came up with a bold theory where reverting to incarnation 1 will allow to keep merging copies with the backups. It was stupid but I wanted to try since it was a clone environment. “can’t learn if you don’t break” 

My crazy scenario (don’t do this at home)

1.  Incarnation was reverted to 1 right before the the evening backup .

2. Next morning I dropped the tablespace system datafile and wanted to recover it =“Epic fail”.

RMAN> run { restore tablespace system; recover tablespace system;} Finished recover at 21-sep-2021 14:52:17

RMAN> alter database open; ORA-01589: must use RESETLOGS or NORESETLOGS option for database open

RMAN> alter database open noresetlogs; ORA-01588: must use RESETLOGS option for database open

RMAN> alter database open resetlogs; ORA-01190: control file or data file 3 is from before the last RESETLOGS ORA-01110: data file 3: 'D:ORACLECDB**ORADATASYSAUX01.DBF'

RMAN> validate database root; List of Datafiles ================= File Status Marked Corrupt Empty Blocks Blocks Examined High SCN ---- ------ -------------- ------------ --------------- ---------- 1 OK 0 6788 68480 17463164895 File Name: D:ORACLECDB**SYSTEM01.DBF -- Same with all CDB files

RMAN> restore datafile 3; RMAN> recover datafile 3; channel ORA_DISK_1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:03 RMAN-06067: RECOVER DATABASE required with a backup or created control file

-- Try full Database Recovery

RMAN> recover database; ORA-00283: recovery session canceled due to errors ORA-19912: cannot recover to target incarnation 2

RMAN> reset database to incarnation 1; RMAN> run { set until SCN 17463165116; # last RESETLOG SCN -1 restore database; recover database; }

RMAN-03002: failure of recover command at 09/22/2021 10:50:50 ORA-00283: recovery session canceled due to errors RMAN-11003: failure during parse/execution of SQL statement: alter database recover if needed start until cancel ORA-16433: The database or pluggable database must be opened in read/write mode. Error from the alert.log: …ORA-01190: control file or data file 1745 is from before the last RESETLOGS ORA-01110: data file 1745: 'K:ORACLEDATAPTRPTS_DF_3.DBF'

        I checked the header value of the data files and confirmed some files weren’t completely recovered

SELECT FHTHR Thread, FHRBA_SEQ Sequence, count(1) --,fhsta STATUS FROM X$KCVFH group by FHTHR, FHRBA_SEQ –, fhsta STATUS order by FHTHR, FHRBA_SEQ; THREAD SEQUENCE   COUNT(1) ------- ---------- --------         1    26          4        1    5724        803

SQL> SELECT 'ROOT' con_name,status,checkpoint_change#,checkpoint_time, resetlogs_change#, resetlogs_time, count(*), fuzzy,h.con_id from v$datafile_header h   where h.con_id=1   Group by status,checkpoint_change#,checkpoint_time, resetlogs_change#,resetlogs_time, fuzzy,h.con_id UNION SELECT p.name,status,checkpoint_change#,checkpoint_time, resetlogs_change#, resetlogs_time, count(*), fuzzy,h.con_id from v$datafile_header h, v$pdbs p    where h.con_id=p.con_id    Group by p.name, status,checkpoint_change#,checkpoint_time, resetlogs_change# ,resetlogs_time, fuzzy,h.con_id    order by con_id;

Con_name STATUS CHECKPOINT_CHANGE# CHECKPOINT_TIME RESET_CHANGE# RESETLOGS_TIME     COUNT(*) FUZ  CON_ID  ERROR ---------- ------- ------------------- -------------------- ----------------- -------------------- -------- ---- ------- -------------- ROOT       ONLINE       17463165116    20-SEP-2021 14:09:03  1                28-OCT-2020 20:45:50  4        NO   1 PDB$SEED   ONLINE           1630255    29-OCT-2020 19:06:11  1                28-OCT-2020 20:45:50  4        NO   2 FSDEMO     ONLINE       17463165116    20-SEP-2021 14:09:03  1                28-OCT-2020 20:45:50  194      NO   3 FS_PDB     OFFLINE      17463164868    20-SEP-2021 14:07:51  1                28-OCT-2020 20:45:50  605      No   4

Down the rabbit hole

Things went from bad to worse the more I tried to recover the DB an RPO prior to last resetlogs.
I want to just remind few points before I end this long end endless scourge.

  • Controlfile recovery from Sep 19th autobackup corresponding to last resetlogs has   

    • New Incarnation key: 2

    • SCN 17463165117   –     Seq 5727

    • Time 20-sep-2021 14:51:59

  • Previous Incarnation  key: 1

    • Time 28-oct-2020 20:45:50

  • I reverted the incarnation to key 1 which was absurd on a hindsight

    • Incremental backup kept running 


Case 1: Recover from a new incarnation via manual Controlfile copy

luckily a copy of the initial controlfile was kept aside so I decided to reuse it and try recovering

  • Restore the control file using a manual copy 

RMAN> startup nomount force; RMAN> restore controlfile from 'D:Backup19cO1_MF_HSN45YNX_.CTL'; Starting restore at 23-sep-2021 17:11:09 output file name=D:ORACLECDBCDBDEV2REDOCONTROLFILEO1_MF_HSN45YNX_.CTL Finished restore at 23-sep-2021 17:11:11

RECOVER the database RMAN> alter database mount;

1. Using sequence before the LAST RESETLOGS SQL> recover database until logseq 5728; -- Resetlogs seq +1 Starting recover at 23-sep-2021 17:26:35 Finished recover at 23-sep-2021 17:29:25 OR 2. Using SCN before the LAST RESETLOGS run {   set until scn 17463165116; -- Resetlogs SCN -1   recover database;   }

--- Check the new incarnation

RMAN> list incarnation;                                               List of Database Incarnations                                         DB Key  Inc Key DB Name  DB ID     STATUS  Reset SCN Reset Time       ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- --------- ----------------- 1       1       CDBDEV2 670048894 CURRENT     1     28-oct-2020 20:45

RMAN> alter database open resetlogs;

Case 2: Recover from a new incarnation via autobackup

  • I was’nt happy with the first/above recovery because in real life you will never have a controlfile handy during a disaster. So I wiped out all the datafiles of the CDB and decided to recover all from scratch 

  • That’s where RMAN started to ignore image copies which can’t even be cataloged (ghosted)

--- We need to recover the last controlfile: From September 21st Piece Name: \BACKUP$.._C-670048894-20210920-01  21-sep-2021 19:38

RMAN> Startup nomount CDBDEV2_CONTROLFILE_C-670048894-20210920-01

RMAN> Restore controlfile from '\BACKUP$CDBDEV2_CONTROLFILE_C-670048894-20210920-01'; Finished restore at 23-sep-2021 17:11:11

ORA-19563:  Recovery ERROR (ghosted backups)

Then a weird error “ORA-19563: datafile copy header validation failed” appeared upon recovery for several backup pieces as RMAN went blind ignoring image copies.

--- Recover database execution channel ORA_DISK_1: restoring datafile 00053                      Input datafile copy RECID=110503 STAMP=1083697667 file name=\BACKUP$CDB_DATA_D-CDBDEV2_I-670048894_TS-DPWORK_FNO-53_0VVU1DED  destination for restore of datafile 00053: D:ORACLECDBCDBDEV2ORADATAPDBFSDEMODPWORK.DBF                                                     ORA-19563: datafile copy header validation failed for file \BACKUP$CDB_DATA_D-CDBDEV2_I-670048894_TS-DPWORK_FNO-53_0VVU1DED    …                                                  

-->> Image copies are not visible to RMAN and can't even be cataloged.

RMAN> catalog start with '\BACKUP$CDB_DATA_D-CDBDEV2_I-670048894_TS-DPWORK_FNO-53_0VVU1DED';                         searching for all files that match the pattern ..**FNO-53_0VVU1DED      No files found to be unknown to the database                                   


  • Created a subfolder 21_backups in the backup location and copy all backups 

  • Uncatalogued the old backup location and delete the files

  • Cataloged the new location (subfolder) containing the copy of all backups.  

  • Launched a  recovery of the database (target RPO Sep 21 14:51:59 )

move backup files to \BACKUP$21_backups  -- Catalog old backup location RMAN> CHANGE BACKUP OF ARCHIVELOG ALL UNCATALOG; RMAN> CHANGE BACKUP OF DATABASE UNCATALOG; -- catalog new backup location RMAN> CATALOG START WITH '\BACKUP$21_backups' 915 files found

=== RECOVERY ==== RMAN> alter database mount;            RMAN> run                          {      set until logseq 5728;   -- last resetlogs seq +1     restore database ;            recover database ;           }                       

... applying incremental backups restore starting media recovery  media recovery failed   ===> incarnation 1 recovery is complete oracle wants more RMAN-00571: =========================================================== RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS =============== RMAN-00571: ===========================================================     

RMAN-03002: failure of recover command at 09/24/2021 17:51:34   ORA-00283: recovery session canceled due to errors RMAN-11003: failure during parse/execution of SQL statement: alter database recover if needed start until cancel using backup controlfile ORA-00283: recovery session canceled due to errors ORA-19912: cannot recover to target incarnation 1                              RMAN> list incarnation;                                                        DB Key Inc Key DB Name  DB ID    STATUS  Reset SCN    Reset Time          ------- ------- ------ --------- ------- ------------ -------------------   1     1     CDBDEV2 670048894 CURRENT  1           28-oct-2020 20:45:50   3 3     CDBDEV2 670048894 ORPHAN   17463165117 23-sep-2021 17:50:38 2     2     CDBDEV2 670048894 ORPHAN   17463165117 20-sep-2021 14:51:59 –> target RPO = Inc key 2 

  • ORA-19912 just confirms all is recovered up to incarnation #1, 
    Now we can just roll forward to Target RPO From incarnation key # 2 

RMAN> reset database to incarnation 2;   

RMAN> recover database ;  Finished recover at 24-sep-2021 18:18:34 RMAN> alter database open resetlogs; Statement processed


The Rman lesson of the day can be taken off of a quote from THE WIRE “Omar :
“You come at the King ? you best not miss”
That is,  don’t mess with the Incarnation after a new resetlogs. Reverting to previous Incarnation will just make things worse and new incarnation rhymes with new backup cycle .

Thanks for reading