OVM Series part 3: Backup and recovery with ovm-Bkp (plus scripts)

Intro This is the last part of the OVM series where I will describe the backup package provided by oracle called ovm-bkp . Even if the Premier Support period has already ended (March, 2021) and OLVM is supposed to be the replacement, a lot of workloads are still running on OVM including new PCAs (Private …

OVM series part 2: What to collect when opening an SR

Intro In my last post, I have described few commands within Oracle OVM manager CLI. This time, the topic is about how to identify the relevant information of your OVM environment as well as the logs and their location for each component. OVM servers and OVM manager have their own logs, and when issues occur …

VEEAM backup and Bare metal recovery of an Oracle DB VM

Intro Those who aren’t lucky enough to use VMware or Hyper-V in their infrastructure might find it painful to provide a seamless way to manage their virtual backup and recovery strategy (i.e Ovm, kvm..etc.). Veeam turns out to be a solid alternative that might spare the pain of reinventing the wheel along with the hours …