Tmate, the perfect Instant terminal sharing Tool for Remote collaboration

We love Tmate and we bet you will! “Visionary, outstanding, almost magic” that’s what I thought the first time I got my hands on Tmate. Sure, we all know about TeamViewer, VNC, and other remote desktop products we used hundred times to help our parents or friends through a shared screen. But nothing compares nor …

Vagrant: Create a Red Hat 8 base box packaged for Oracle 19c (Vbox)

Intro Vagrant is an opensource tool for working with virtual environments (VirtualBox,HyperV,Vmware..etc). It provides a simple command-line client for managing these environments, using a text-file (VagrantFile) defining the attributes of each environment.   To know more about vagrant you can try their getting started guide or consult the Vagrant official documentation. Vagrant cloud already offers a …

Restore standard naming of network interfaces on Red Hat enterprise linux 7

Disabling consistent network device naming To disable The consistent network device naming feature and create your own manual ma,ing scheme ,for example eth0,internet0 or lan0. Follow the below steps so that all network device names will be eth followed by an integer. Log in as root, or as a user with superuser privileges. Edit the GRUB 2 general settings file. …